Sumi-e Artists of Canada











Holiday Cards with Roslyn Levin - December 14th, 2013

Making holiday cards for our family and friends sounds like a great idea. But how exactly do you create them? Roslyn Levin explained how to create these cards using rice paper and some suitable winter subjects. Roslyn began by showing how to glue the rice paper to a card. Having a wood board is recommended.

Spraying the rice paper makes the glue easier to spread.

Roslyn used a glue called Yes!, which you can get at art supply stores.

Roslyn pressed the back of the rice paper to the card on the wood board.

Initially, the card is curved. But when the card dries it flattens.

The subject of a pine tree growing out of the side of a mountain came to Roslyn through a student. Two basic brush strokes can create the painting.

White paint was used by Roslyn Levin to give the effect of snow.

Roslyn used her non-dominant hand to create another painting for a card. Your non-dominant hand is linked to the creative side of your brain. Using your non-dominant hand may stimulate your creativity.

The result was an interesting variation on the pine tree growing out of a mountain side.

Another variation on a pine tree used a stylized way of creating branches and leaves with back and forth strokes.

Roslyn Levin started with a series of tree trunks in a variety of ink shades. Then starting at the top of the tree, Roslyn added the branches and leaves.

The forest took shape by using brush strokes that were not too regular.

Roslyn returned to her first card painting to demonstrate how to use a wash. Roslyn turned the rice paper over and sprayed it with water.

The wash was applied to the back of the card painting with a large brush.

When the painting dried, the colour and the white paint stood out.

Another type of tree had sloping branches like you would find after a big snow storm.

Roslyn showed how to remove this painting for a card. Pull the paper away from the edge of the painting rather than pulling the painting from the paper.

In this painting Roslyn created one version with the white paint and another version using silver, which also works for a winter scene.

Roslyn created one more tree that was named a dancing tree.

This tree had vine-like branches.

The effect worked as one could see flexible trees like willows in this winter painting.

A solitary bird on a bare branch is a typical winter scene. Roslyn showed the workshop participants how to paint this image.

Then it was our turn. Getting the bird just right takes practice.

The wash technique turned out some impressive cards.

Using white paint in the manner suggested by Roslyn added a fine winter touch.

You can learn more about Roslyn Levin in the links section.