Sumi-e Artists of Canada











Christmas Social - December 6th, 2008

Our year-ending social event is a time for fun amongst fellow sumi-e artists. The Christmas Social began with a collection of presents and art supplies for auction, which you could think about as we ate a Japanese-inspired luncheon.

Jeff Snape provided some entertaining magical tricks including this set of balls that could be put in a container in any order, yet always reappeared ordered as red, yellow and green.

Some members helped out with a rope trick that magically produced a knot in the centre of their rope.

This balloon seemed ordinary enough.

Yet on bursting it, a rabbit appeared.

Kathy Matsushita then explained the rules of a unique gift giving exchange.

Members picked presents from our presents' table and showed the gift to all.

Everyone loves getting presents.

And seeing what everyone else is getting.

Because in this unique gift giving exchange, you could also steal somebody's gift when your turn came.

Sid Ikeda brought along his harmonica.

Sid's repertoire is always in demand from us and ...

... the rabbit too.

We left more ready than ever for the rest of the Christmas season.