Sumi-e Artists of Canada











Canada Goose with Tien Chang - December 7th, 2024

Your art is an expression of yourself Tien Chang reminded artists at his workshop on the Canada Goose. Your art is a reflection of your character.

Tien Chang brought paintings he would create at the workshop: a walking and flying Canada goose.

Sketching is a way of studying the goose for a painting.

A sketch in a notebook lets you define the structure, details, and the light and dark sections of the goose.

Tien Chang brought a handout for the artists with his goose sketches.

Begin your painting with a light image of the goose.

Tien Chang used an absorbent paper cloth when the painting had too much water on the paper.

The flying goose was also created as a light image. Note that the wing comes from the body of the goose not the shoulder.

Then Tien Chang turned to the dark ink that would be added over the light images.

The head, neck, and top of the body are dark.

The underside is a a softer grey.

The leg is well-defined and dark.

Complete the walking goose with a smooth, light grey line along the belly.

The flying Canada goose has similar dark markings as the walking goose.

Use dark ink on the long feathers of the outer edge of the wing.

The neck, tail and some parts of the top of the body are dark like the sketches Tien Chang had shown.

The second wing is mostly hidden by the wing you can see.

It was time for the artists to paint using the handouts as guidance.

This scroll from 700 years ago shows that the goose has been around and been painted for a long time.

Tien Chang helped artists paint their geese.

Our geese captured the spirit of Tien Chang's walking and flying geese.

A flying goose with the wing flapping downward.

A flying goose with a wing similar to that painted by Tien Chang.

A walking goose.

A few tips from Tien Chang.

You can learn more about Tien Chang in the links section.