Sumi-e Artists of Canada











Sumi-e Artists of Canada 2022 Show - November 12th and 13th, 2022

Art means many things to art lovers who come to the sumi-e painting exhibition in mid-November. Joy is one reaction.

Discussion is another reaction. What do I like about this painting? What is the artist saying?

Japanese sumi-e art in particular will always attract crowds.

Several paintings were noted by the exhibition judge Nancy Jacobi, proprietor of the Japanese Paper Place. Taking a Long View by Roslyn Levin received the Ruth Yamada Award (the highest award) with these comments:

Beautiful use of space to suggest the barren landscape. Contrast between airy lightness of the feathers and piercing eyes. It stops us in our tracks.

Asparagus by Farheen Ali received an honourable mention with these comments:

A strong example of restraint and energy combined. The torn edge of the painting paper adds subtle interest as if it were a drawn line.

An honourable mention was given to Bamboo in Early Summer by Kumiko Claros with these comments:

Very strong brush work, both densely and lightly applied. Good to see more classic sumi-e done with mastery.

Nicole Tamir received an honourable mention for Umbrellas with these comments:

An original subject, full of energy and charm. We can almost feel the wind that has overturned the umbrellas.

Pine Cones and Needles by Hiroshi Yamamoto received an honourable mention with these comments:

Appropriate subject for a small work. Finely painted almost drawn. The brush strokes delicately applied for an overall sense of the beauty in small things.

Deep into the Snow by Baoxing Zhang received an honourable mention with these comments:

Captures the essence of the subject with minimal brush strokes. Use of top and bottom sections shows effective contrast in framing the foxes, while the middle gives rest to the eye.

There were many striking works in this large show of over 80 paintings leaving art lovers to scurry to see it all.

Traditional scrolls were also on display.

A retrospective featuring the art of Moira Mudie, a well-known artist and instructor, interested many visitors.

The range of subjects and styles also included works with startling simplicity, a characteristic often found in Japanese art.

The variety gave art lovers many works to reflect on.

Watching a demonstrator create a sumi-e painting was just as fascinating.

Speaking to a demonstrator like Roslyn Levin about sumi-e art was also a reason for coming to this exhibition.

Cards and books were very popular.

Many paintings could be bought. This art patron found a perfect painting of cardinals by Po Man Chan.

A tea room provided a break from a roomful of art.

Demonstrator Hiroshi Yamamoto worked on a painting perhaps inspired by the many works of art about nature.

Visitors were drawn to one interesting painting.

A close look revealed a butterfly.

Another interesting creature.

A red panda watched visitors as visitors watched it.

This painting captured a well-known sight.

These cranes, which are often painted as a pair, attracted many art lovers.

A riveting horse head mesmerized all who looked at it.

Even babies wanted to go to this exhibition.

Babies usually steal the show.

Paintings bring a sense of wonder to those drawn to art.

Paintings also provoke discussion.

Contemplation is frequently a part of this exhibition.

It was a lively weekend for the many people in Toronto who cherish art.

Many will return next year.

Time to consider signing up for sumi-e painting lessons for art lovers fascinated by this exhibition. For sumi-e artists, start working on new paintings.